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not at risk中文

用"not at risk"造句"not at risk" in a sentence"not at risk"怎麼讀


  • 不在保險范圍內
  • 沒有風險


  • It would also let those who were not at risk stop worrying
  • But if his father sits reads to him quietly half an hour a day , this boy is not at risk
  • Though pavlik ' s title is not at risk , the stakes for each man are as high as they can be
  • A construct is not at risk of death from massive damage ( see chapter 8 of the player ' s handbook ) , but when reduced to 0 hit points or less , it is immediately destroyed
    構裝體不會受到巨創而死亡(參見《玩家手冊》第八章) ,但是一旦生命值下降到0或者更低,它將立即毀壞。
  • Although the telnet service is provided as part of windows 2000 , the service is not enabled by default , and users who have not enabled it are not at risk
    盡管telnet服務是作為windows 2000的一部分提供的,但是默認情況下沒有啟用此項服務;因此,沒有啟用它的用戶不會有危險。
  • Nothing in the provisions of this act relating to the measure of indemnity shall affect the rules relating to double insurance , or prohibit the insurer from disproving interest wholly or in part , or from showing that at the time of the loss the whole or any part of the subject - matter insured was not at risk under the policy
用"not at risk"造句  
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